hard cover book


Hard cover
foolscap book (f4)
70 gsm paper
3 columns
120 pages, 200 pages & 300 Pages
page number

Out of Stock

Hard cover
square book (F5)
70 gsm paper
3 columns
120 pages, 200 pages & 300 Pages
page number

Out of Stock
Features Brand : Eagle
Type : 120pages, 200pages, 300pages, and 400pages
Dimension : 210mm(L), 165mm(W)
Paper size:F5
Hardcover Half book.
Pages with page numbering
Features Brand : Eagle Type : 120pages, 200pages, 300pages, 400pages and 500pages
Dimension : 33cm(L), 21cm(W)
Paper size:F4
Hardcover foolscap book.
Pages with page numbering.